Cost-effectiveness analysis on Japanese encephalitis vaccination program in Thailand
Jiang Hui
Supamit Chunsuttiwat. M.D.
Based on the secondary data and estimations of experts,a study of Cost-effectiveness Analysis on JapaneseEncephalitis Vaccination Programme in Thailand has beendone, in which 2 schedules were involved. It needs $16,603in schedule 1 and $13,939 in schedule 2  to prevent one JEcase occurrence when JE morbidity is 2.5 per 100,000population. Those outcomes in both schedules are highsensitive to the variables on, morbidity at first , price ofvaccine at second and salaries at third . JE vaccine, thebiggest component among the cost items, is 52% in schedule 1and 43% in schedule 2 of the total costs respectively.Schedule 2 should be put  in priority   for implementation, and schedule 1 should be alternative . JE Vaccination which goes with EPI' Programme should beoperated in the place where JE morbidity  is the highest inthe whole Kingdom, and the coverage rates on DPT and BCGbooster in EPI programme should be high. 
M.P.H.M. มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ปี 2533
effectiveness, Cost, Vaccine, Encephalitis, Japanese, JE