ทัศนีย์ อินทรสมใจ
อรพรรณ โตสิงห์
This study examined the post-operative quality of life of brain tumor patients and the effect of transition conditions (e.g. personal and environment factors) on their quality of life. The study group comprised 108 brain tumor out-patients aged 15 years and older who attended the neurosurgery clinic of Siriraj Hospital, the Prasat Neurological Institute and the Rajvithi Hospital for post operative treatment. All of the samples had a cognitive function level ranging from scale 7 to 8, and had no problem regarding speech or hearing communication. Data collection was performed from January 2004 to April 2004. The research instruments were a demographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale, the Social Support Questionnaire of House’s concept, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were employed for data analysis. The samples were aged between 18 and 74 years with an average age of 45.31 years. 59.3% of the samples were female; 62% were married; 52.8% had only primary level of education; 53.7% earned 5,000 baht or less; and 50.9% were diagnosed as having meningioma. All of the samples had cognitive function level 8; 77.8% received only one operation; 70.4% had many physical problems after treatment, the major problem being visual disturbance (49.1%). The results of the study revealed that the samples enjoyed a relatively high quality of life (mean =147.72, S.D. = 23.21) and moderate self-esteem and social support (mean = 29.69, S.D. = 3.96 and mean = 71.56, S.D. = 11.58 respectively). Self-esteem was positively correlated with quality of life at a moderate level (r = .647, p < .01). Postoperative complications were negatively correlated with quality of life at a moderate level (r = -.452, p < .01). Social support and monthly income were positively correlated with quality of life at a low level (r = .211,.165; p < .05). Adjunct therapy was not correlated with patients’ quality of life. The implications of this study are that nurses should assess patients’ perceptions of their illnesses, and encourage them to improve their self-esteem and evaluate social networks in order to provide them with adequate support. Patients should also be encouraged to obtain effective information and self care knowledge to enhance their quality of life.
M.N.S. ADULT NURSING มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ปี 2547