Cost-utility study of home-based cryotherapy device for wart treatment: a randomized, controlled, and investigator-blinded trial
Nattanichcha Kulthanachairojana, Suthira Taychakhoonavudh, Kanokvalai Kulthanan, สุมนัส บุณยะรัตเวช, Sasima Eimpunth, Bawonpak Pongkittilar, Suthasanee Prasertsook, Supisara Wongdama, Charussi Leeyaphan*
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; Email:
Background: Cryotherapy is typically performed by physicians. No cost-utility studies of home-based cryotherapy have been reported.
Objectives: To study the cost utility of home-based cryotherapy devices and in-hospital liquid nitrogen therapy for cutaneous warts.
Materials and methods: This randomized, controlled, investigator-blinded trial was carried out on patients with cutaneous warts. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: home-based cryotherapy and in-hospital liquid nitrogen therapy. Clinical examinations were conducted at baseline and monthly until cure, and outcomes (cure rate, side effects, total costs, and quality of life) were compared. A cost-utility analysis was performed.
Results: Nineteen of 22 patients completed the treatment and were analyzed. The efficacy of home-based cryotherapy and in-hospital therapy was 72.8% and 64.3%, respectively. Side effects (pain, redness, and burning) were observed. The mean numbers of medical visits were 2.83 for home-based therapy and 3.30 for in-hospital therapy. The total costs for home-based therapy and the in-hospital therapy were US $76.03 and $100.45, respectively. The home-based therapy had 0.2297 quality-adjusted life years, slightly higher than the corresponding value of 0.2254 for in-hospital therapy.
Conclusions: Home-based cryotherapy devices are a cost-saving strategy with similar efficacy to in-hospital liquid nitrogen therapy.
The Journal of Dermatological Treatment ปี 2565, December ปีที่: 33 ฉบับที่ 8 หน้า 3165-3169
cost-effectiveness, Cryotherapy, cutaneous wart