Cold therapy for pain relief during and after amniocentesis procedure: A randomized controlled trial
สวรรยา เบ็ญจหงษ์, เด่นศักดิ์ พงศ์โรจน์เผ่า, อธิตา จันทเสนานนท์*, Uravee Limpivest, ต้องตา นันทโกมล, สุภาเพ็ญ เลิศวุฒิวิวัฒน์, Natavadee Prasitpaisan, จรรยา ภัทรอาชาชัย
Maternal–Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Thammasat University Hospital, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand; Email:
Aim: To compare effects of cold therapy on patient pain score during and after amniocentesis procedure.
Methods: We performed a prospective randomized-controlled study comparing the anticipated pain, perceived pain during the procedure, and pain after 15 and 30 min of amniocentesis between pregnant women receiving cold therapy before (group 1), after (group 2), and both before and after amniocentesis (group 3) with a control group (group 4). Pain was measured using a visual analog scale (VAS) score.
Results: A total of 480 participants were recruited and randomly assigned into four groups of 120 each. Anticipated pain scores in all groups were not statistically different. When compared with group 4, groups 1 and 3 experienced significant pain reduction during amniocentesis, while VAS scores at 15 and 30 min after amniocentesis in groups 1-3 were significantly lower as compared to group 4.
Conclusion: Cold therapy both before and after amniocentesis procedure is most effective in pain reduction. It encourages the pregnant woman's cooperation during the procedure and provides a good amniocentesis experience. Application of cold compression is also beneficial in other aspects as it is simple, safe, convenient, and yet reusable and economically efficient for routine use in all pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research ปี 2564, August ปีที่: 47 ฉบับที่ 8 หน้า 2623-2631
pain, Amniocentesis, Cold therapy