Chau-In W, Palachewa K, Thananan M, Thincheelong W*
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Background : Spinal-induced hypotension remains a common and potentially serious complication despite sudden expansion of intravascular volume. The demonstrated failure of adequate intravascular volume expansion, to prevent hypotension in elderly patients, often requires external application of vasopressure. Objective : To evaluate whether elastic compression bandaging reduces hypotension from spinal anesthesia. Methods : Forty elderly patients, undergoing lower body surgery under spinal anesthesia of 2.8 to 3.2 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine, were randomly allocated before spinal injection to the leg wrapped group (W, n = 20) and the control group (C, n = 20). All patients received intravenous acetar solution (5-10 ml/kg over 20 min) before the spinal injection. Hypotension was defined as a decrease in SAP > 20% from baseline. Results : The incidence of hypotension in group W was 60% while it was 75% in the group C the difference, however, was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Hypotension occurred in 9 (53%) persons in group W and 8 (61.54%) in group C. The mean dose of ephedrine injected during anesthesia was 1.35 ± 3.7 (95% CI 0.4, 3.1) and 2.85 ± 5.0(95% CI 0.5, 5.2) mg, and the incidence of ephedrine injected was 15 and 35 percent in group W and group C, respectively. The elastic bandaging produced no complications. Conclusion : Wrapping the legs of elderly patients undergoing lower body surgery did not significantly lessen the rate of hypotension following spinal anesthesia. A larger sample size is needed to differentiate the groups as the intra-group standard deviation was large.
วิสัญญีสาร ปี 2546, October-December ปีที่: 29 ฉบับที่ 4 หน้า 217-223
Anesthesia techniques : spinal, complications : hypotension, patients : elderly, preventions : leg wrapping