Quality of Life among Stage III Colon Cancer Patients Receiving Oral and Intravenous Chemotherapy Regimens in Thailand
P Lerdkiattikorn, N Tantai, อุษา ฉายเกล็ดแก้ว*, W Lausoontornsiri, Thiravud Khuhaprema, ปฤษฐพร กิ่งแก้ว, ยศ ตีระวัฒนานนท์
Division of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Tel: 66-2-644-8677 ext 5317, Fax: 66-2-644-8694, Email: usa.chi@mahidol.ac.th
 Health related quality of life for colon cancer is important for economic evaluation. The objective of this study was to measure health utility scores of oral and intravenous chemotherapy regimens in colon cancer patients with or without relapse in Thailand. The quality of life was measured in term of utility scores collected from colon cancer patients with or without relapse using EQ-5D questionnaire at National Cancer Institute, Bangkok, Thailand during January and April, 2010. A total of 48 colon cancer patients were classified equally into two groups (i.e., stage III colon cancer patients without relapse and those with relapse or stage IV colon cancer).
Each group included 12 patients receiving the first-line oral capecitabine monotherapy and 12 patients receiving the first-line intravenous chemotherapy (i.e., 5- FU/LV, FOLFOX and XELOX). We obtained the average utility score as followed: stage III colon cancer patients or without relapse receiving oral chemotherapy regimen (mean=0.65, Standard error, SE=0.047), stage III colon cancer patients or without relapse receiving intravenous chemotherapy regimens (mean=0.60, SE=0.063), stage IV colon cancer or with relapse receiving oral chemotherapy regimen (mean=0.62, SE=0.043), stage IV colon cancer or with relapse receiving intravenous chemotherapy (mean=0.56, SE=0.101). However, there was no statistical significant difference in the average utility scores between oral and intravenous chemotherapy regimens in cancer patients with or without relapse.
วารสารเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ปี 2555, ปีที่: 39 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 41-43
Quality of life, Thailand, EQ-5D, Utility, Stage III colon cancer